On 13th July, 2018 I visited Yvette at Groupe Scholaire St. Aloys in Rwamagana. It was a visiting day at her school.
I was welcomed by director of studies and as I introduced myself to him we chatted a bit and then he knew that I was representing NOUSPR and Forward Africa and he was excited about the support given to Yvette as he said she had difficulties in paying her school fees but now she is financially secure and can concrete more on her studies.
He asked a head boy to take me to her class and they were doing revision. Yvette and I had a conversation about school life in general and she mentioned about the morale and confidence she has gained this term as unlike previous years when she was always looking herself in the mirror of hopeless life.
Yvette said ‘ I am both morally and physically feeling strong. When I wake up early in the morning and I remember that I have no questions to answer at the bursar’s office and that I have soap, Colgate, and when I am confident that I have a coupon for my lunch I feel very much energized and my moral goes high’.
I managed to talk to her class teacher who told me about how Yvette is progressing academically. He said that Yvette is well behaved and a focused girl. She is an active member of the science and gender clubs.
Her plans for the upcoming holiday is to go home and help her mum in the village.