Jackline pursues her dream

My name is Jackline and I am studying Information Technology in the Department of Software Engineering at the Adventist University of Central Africa – Rwanda (AUCA).

I have a mother only and she farms a small piece of land to support us in our daily life. When FAET (Forward Africa Education Trust) started sponsoring me in 2018 my life changed completely and for my entire family.

FAET provided school fees on time which allowed me to concentrate on my studies and it increased my academic performance and still promising to become better.

At school I had a dream to become an engineer but this was just a dream because I did not have the funds to support myself in that dream. With sponsorship, I had the best opportunity to continue my school studies and to progress in that ambition at an excellent university.

Forward Africa Education Trust provides all requirements like university fees, living expenses like rent and food and even a laptop that helps me in practice my courses studies.

My biggest wish is that my support continues until I can finish at University.